Underscore in Data blocks import


we tried to import our own data into a second test project and it seems to be impossible. He heavily use underscores in our database names and columns which may be breaking the import.

The error: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/uploads-eu.hipchat.com/62625/433013/cWMQp6v3mYjfL8m/upload.png

We think that this might be related to underscores, because of this:

Hallo, Mathis!

Unfortunately, we cannot reproduce this issue.
Can you provide us with similar example of your data structure so we can check it?

with best regards,
Alex Navara

Hi, Mathis!

We’ve reproduced this issue.
You were right, the reason of this issue is using double underscores in the middle of table or relation name.
Temporary solution is not to use more than one underscore.

We will notify you after fixing this issue.