Update DateTime column randomly fails

I’m still randomly failing on updating a row with a column object containing a DateTime.

I originally reported this problem at: http://support.backendless.com/t/invalid-datetime-update-datetime-column-rest-api

The error also happens in the REST console.

When I update a boolean column in the table I still get the same error:

“code”: 1110,
“message”: “Saving object failed due to incorrect datetime value specified.”


When I only update the datetime column it succeeds 100% of the time so far using the REST console.
It fails all the time when I am updating a row with both the DateTime and boolean columns types
in the same request.


I cannot reproduce this issue with my data.
Please provide your request example and data structure.

These are the param I use a PUT in my code and also in the REST console. Here is my AppID: A7B8F6E8-1688-922F-FFB7-6DAC5CAE6C00

URL: http://api.backendless.com/v1/data/ms/53926CC4-198E-02CE-FF04-750897785000

Request body:

“O6”: true,
“O2”: “05/23/2016 09:36:45”,
“O3”: 17396,
“O4”: 12827.866146,
“O7”: “Forum”,
“O8”: “Phase3”,
“O9”: 2497.269967,
“O10”: “Crosse”

If you take out the boolean “O6” line, it works. The error is always “code”: 1110, “message”: “Saving object failed due to incorrect datetime value specified.”

The order of where the boolean column doesn’t matter in the JSON request body

Hi, Roy!
I’ve reproduced your error and created an internal ticket - BKNDLSS-12672
We’ll notify you when this is fixed.
Thanks for reporting!

Thanks for the help

Roy, we had to export the “ms” table from your app to find the bug in our development environment.
Ignore the export notification email.

Roy, I’ve fixed your issue.
Please check it again.

Thanks for the help. It works.

Curious what the fix was?

The problem was with your O6 column. It was actually of a datetime type, so trying to write a boolean value in it caused the error.

Thanks for the info