I like to allow users to save a profile image when they register. Everything works fine, user can register, image is uploaded and I can get the URL of the image that is stored in the File storage in Backendless, BUT I can’t get the URL or image file name be saved in “avatar” column in User table.
Can anybody help me to fix this issue? Save the image URL to avatar column in user?
Try this…
let properties = [“avatar”, object: uploadFile.fileURL]
delete self.userAvatarURL.text = …
Thank you, but it didn’t work.
If avatar url is in uploadFile.fileURL, you could set “avatar” property of user BEFORE registering:
user.email = ...
user.password = ...
user.setProperty("avatar", object:uploadFile.fileURL)
backendless.userService.registering(user, response: ...