User to Geo Relation updating wrong user


When I use the code from the website to set my current users location to their current CLLocation, for some reason it updates the first user on my list rather than the user who is currently logged in. Can you help?

My code (mostly from support site with slight change to use current location)

func saveUserWithGeoAsync() {

    if( CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == CLAuthorizationStatus.AuthorizedWhenInUse ||

        CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == CLAuthorizationStatus.Authorized){

                self.myLocation = self.locationManager.location




        { ( data : AnyObject!) -> () in

            let user = data as! BackendlessUser

            let geoPoint = GeoPoint.geoPoint(GEO_POINT(latitude: self.myLocation!.coordinate.latitude, longitude: self.myLocation!.coordinate.longitude)) as! GeoPoint

            user.setProperty("lastLocation", object: geoPoint)




                response: { ( data : AnyObject!) -> () in

                    let user = data as! BackendlessUser

                    print("saveUserWithGeoAsync - User has been saved: \(user)")


                error: { ( fault : Fault!) -> () in

                    print("saveUserWithGeoAsync - Server reported an error: \(fault)")




        error: { ( fault : Fault!) -> () in

            print("saveUserWithGeoAsync - Server reported an error: \(fault)")




Any update on this please?

Hello, Mike!

I guess that you’re getting the first user updated because you retrieve it at this line:


Try to use this code instead:

let user = self.backendless.userService.currentUser


That worked. Thanks!