Your servers are very Slow Very Slow I guess sometimes.
Please Try to Improve It, I am looking forward to it
Hi Akash,
could you please provide more info about your problem?
Also could you try the following two commands and let us know the results?
My account opens successfully but i doesn’t display any side menus just loading loading …and loading today since 3 hrs i am not able to access my data .
What will happen in production app.
It does not help me to recognize the problem. Could you please make and attach a screenshot of the Network tab in browser and see if any errors appeared in console.
Please try now, we made changes which significantly improved response time.
yes today(12th may 2016) it is working very fine,
But I’ll let you know if something happens again.ok??
sure. Thank you for your patience and attention
it’s down again:(
my clients are asking me how can I guarantee 100% reliability. Should we host backendless on Amazon instead? Or is there any package we can buy to have it reliable?
What is the source of the problem?
Guaranteed reliability is available with the paid service. Brief service interruptions may happen on the free service.
I find the pricing a little bit confusing. Buying a package in marketplace is still considered a free service? So for the paid service there’s always a custom plan (Managed Backendless)?</img>
Managed Backendless is the service that provides an SLA, a guaranteed uptime, scheduled backups, etc. There are no guarantees for “Backendless Cloud”.
you should have mentioned that somewhere in Backendless Cloud that this service in not reliable.
What was the ID of the Internal Server Error?
We’ve been doing a server update just before, so there was an outage for several minutes. At the moment everything should work fine.