VideoFile is not playable on iOS

I upload a video to server

let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: videoFilePath!)

            data = NSData(contentsOfURL: url)!

            fileName = "video\( NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970).mov"

            fileType = "video"

Then try to play it, but it doesn’t play for some reason.

 let videoFilePath = messageToPass.file?.fileURL

            let url = NSURL(string: videoFilePath!)


            let player = AVPlayer(URL: url!)

            moviePlayer.player = player


            self.presentViewController(moviePlayer, animated: true, completion: { 



I figure out, that the problem is not with url.
For example here is the link to video (
and not with video itself.
if you paste it to safari browser it can’t play it either, but Google Crome will download it and the video will be Ok.

My thought is that the problem is that the video can’t be streamed from backendless.
How it can be solved?

Thank You!

i accidentally delete video above, so for demonstration purpose use this one

still i can’t understand why the video doesn’t want to play.

I am also finding this an issue, the URLs for my audio and video files work in the code when loading from a Parse URL but won’t load from a Backendless URL

Some help on this would be very appreciated

Can somebody, please. help us with this issue.

How it is possible to stream a video/audio from file section?

Hi Evgeny,

It appears our servers do not return some of the required headers in the response. Simon mentioned that it works with Parse’s servers and it would be fantastic if someone could help us our in determining the difference in the response between Parse’s servers and ours.


so as i understand video can’t be streamed by accessing a URL?

Not right now.

ok, thanks!