But whenever I add anything to the Checkd Value Logic of the Radio Button Group, I get log warnings like this:
sdk.js:16 Warning: You can not change the value when using LogicHandler.
The error occurred in the "NodeRadioButtonsGroup(Answer)" rendered by: NodeLayoutCell <- NodeLayoutRow <- Question List(RepeaterData) <- Survey Form(DataModelContainer) <- NodeBlock(home__question-block) <- NodeBlock(survey__wrap) <- NodeBlock(container) <- NodeBlock(Home) <- NodeBlock(Main) <- NodeBlock(Survey Page Container) <- Page "landing"
Node UID: 1e9db8e62c234825e777b31debee9f8d
Handler: onCheckedValueAssignment
In the web page, it seems to work like it should though, both setting values and resetting as expected.
What am I doing wrong, and how do I get rid of these warnings?
We recently released improvements in the UI-SDK which prevent changing a component property if it relies on the value from its LogicHandler before it was triggering an unnecessary rerender. Now, the value is ignored to highlight the problem in the logic it prints the warning message.
Could you please provide the entire warning call stack? and/or provide a link to the page where it appears
Not sure I understood that. What is a value’s LogicHandler?
Anyway, you should be able to see this in action by going here, and then clicking the “Start…” button, and clicking one or more of the radio buttons you get: