Whenever backendless server is down backendless ios SDK crashes

Whenever Backendless server is down and ios app send request to backenless server iOS SDK crashes.But it should execute fault block.
And one more scenario whenever I send request to fetch data to backendless server and put the breakpoint for 2 minutes, After 2 minutes resume breakpoint. Backendless iOS SDK Crashes.

Please add here your sample code which demonstrates this issue. Also we need your appId to reproduce this problem with your data.

Hi Vyacheslav,

Its happen for every table code. sorry i can’t share my appId.

Raushan, we need your appId to reproduce this issue.
Also, please, provide some sample code which demonstrates the problem.You could send you appId to support@backendlees.com

Hi Raushan,

We have fixed this issue, you should update the latest Backendless SDK via CocoaPods (3.0.30 release) or from ios-SDK github (CommLibiOS & backendless).


Hi Vyacheslav,

I have updated my backendlessSDK to 3.0.30.
But still its crashing in reported scenario.

We are working now with this problem, and we will let you know when fix will be done.

Internal task BKNDLSS-12015 was created.

Hi Raushan,

Please give me step-by-step instruction, how could I reproduce this problem. Describe, how do you get it with your device? Which operation do you run (user, persistence, etc. - maybe you can provide some sample code here?)


Ok, we have reproduced this issue, thanks.

This issue is fixed, you could update the latest Backendless SDK via CocoaPods (3.0.31 release) or from ios-SDK github (CommLibiOS and backendless).