Wrong device registration API code for Flutter to Register device for push notifications?

Task: Register device for push notifications

On https://backendless.com/docs/flutter/push_push_notification_setup_androi.html:

The “device registration API” code (3. Toward the bottom of the page) looks like Javascript (same as on the “SDK for JS” page and in the video). A quick look at the Flutter Backendless code shows:

  • should be messaging, not Messaging,
  • ‘registerDevice’ needs a list parameter with three elements,
  • there’s no ‘AsyncCallback’ method,
  • looks like there’s a single ‘_handleMethod’ method, not separate ‘handleResponse’ and ‘handleFault’ methods

Hello @Jim_Austin,

I’ve created the BKNDLSS-27399 ticket for our Flutter dev. Documentation will be checked and fixed as soon as possible.


A useful configuration guide, and working Flutter code for push notification device registration can be found in support topic “Register device for push notifications configuration error (Flutter SDK)”

Can’t say if the Flutter API documentation for device registration for push notification is up-to-date, so will leave this topic to be marked ‘solved’ by support staff.