App Store release problem

I have a problem that occurs only after releasing an app to AppStore. This piece of code works fine in testing on device and simulator, but fails in AppStore…
obj as? Place casting fails.

func restaurantsAsync() {
 let dataStore = Backendless.sharedInstance().data.of(Place.ofClass())
 dataStore.find({ (result: BackendlessCollection!) in
 let places = result.getCurrentPage()
 for obj in places {
 if let place = obj as? Place {
 }) { (error: Fault!) in
 print("Server reported an error: \(error.faultCode)")
class Place: NSObject, MKAnnotation {
 var objectId: String?
 var name: String?
 var geoPoint: GeoPoint? {
 didSet {
 self.coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: geoPoint!.latitude as CLLocationDegrees, longitude: geoPoint!.longitude as CLLocationDegrees)
 var startingTime: NSDate?
 var endingTime: NSDate?
 var price: Int = 0
 var background: String? // url to background image in table view cell
 var front: String? // url to image in detail view controller
 var address: String?
 var descr: String?
 var coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 43.230401, longitude: 76.929576)
 var phone: String?
 var title: String? {
 return name
 var distance: CLLocationDistance?

App ID: 88323413-A691-A972-FF3A-DA0F1A87B400
The name of the table is: Place

Please update the latest Backendless SDK via pod (3.0.30 release) or from ios-SDK github(CommLibiOS & backendless), then check the distribution development build.

I was using <pod ‘Backendless’> which for some reason installs version 3.0.22. I changed it to <pod ‘Backendless-ios-SDK’> it installs version 3.0.28. I updated cocoapod and specified the version and finally got 3.0.30 install will send it to app store and see if it works. But why exactly 3.0.22 only fails when release to app store?

Please see this thread. The problem was in projects with “Product Name” option which is consisted of two or more words. It was fixed in 3.0.29 release.