Backendless standalone servers monitoring tool

As you may face, sometimes some of backendless standalone servers get stopped because of some errors and finding the cause is not easy for many of us. best solution to overcome this problem is using server monitoring tools, many of these monitoring softwares is too complex for just checking backendless server running conditions. so the best way is to write backendless standalone server monitoring tool ourselves.
I created a lightweight script which checks backendless servers running state and restart them if they get stopped. also script checks the RUNNING_PID file and if it’s in htdocs folder deletes it. then I created windows task scheduler which runs the script periodically. this way the backendless servers stop problem get solved completely.
this is for windows version and I’m planning to do it for linux and mac installers too
If you need the tool and tutorial about how to do that please send me an email:

Hi Mousa,
Thanks for sharing the info. I’ll mark this topic as “Completed”
