How do i solve Unable to adapt response to <classname> in android

I just saved an object and everything went well, the problem is the object I just saved is not returned instead the app crashes and backendless returns an error saying "unable to adapt response to ShareBucketItem. I’ve attached my class implentations (2.43kB)

Hello, John!

You class looks fine. I guess that the problem might be in the console. Provide your application ID please so we can check it.
Thank you!

app id -> 5CB557F5-1A10-0C80-FF42-579CFD01F200

I see that your “postTime” and “time_added” properties has “double” type in console. But in your code “time_added” field has “String” type (it causes your problem), and “postTime” is absent.

You can change either change column type in console, or in the code. However, supposing these values represent dates, I’d offer you to change column type to “DateTime” in console, and to “java.util.Date” in the code.