how to set relation in object without updating related object?

I have table “Inventory” with column QtyType - 1to1 relation to table QuantityType. Rows in QuantityType table shouldn’t be updated by anyone, only used as reference.
In QuantityType permisssions I set ‘deny’ to update to authenticated user. All rows in QuantityType created by User A.
I have row, created with user B, in Inventory table that I would like to update - set relation QtyType to certain object. In console REST console, logged as user B,
I execute PUT for Inventory objectId yyyyy in Inventory with body

"QtyType": {
    "___class": "QuantityType",
    "objectId": "xxxxxxxxxx"

When Inventory object updated I also see that QuantityType referenced object is updated too. That’s confusing, I don’t understand why it’s updated at all? Also why it’s updated whereas I denied that access (and if I try update this QuantityType object directly I’m receiving expected “User has no permission to update entity” error)

  1. “Also why it’s updated whereas I denied that access…”
    This issue was already discussed here:
    “Unfortunately, this is the expected behaviour for now - we don’t yet support checking permissions for related entity. Though it may be fixed in the future, we can’t provide any exact time frame.”
  2. To avoid updating related data object try to load only parent object (without related child)
    and update only it.
  1. Thanks, yes, I got it
  2. I don’t understand what do you mean by loading parent object - I’m trying to create new object (and set it’s related field to certain existing object).

When you save an object with related entities, all entities are marked as saved. So you can’t relate one object to another without implicitly updating both of them.

Interesting. So, I can do it in console (I mean without related object update) - create object, then click on “+” and set related object, but not in API?

Yes, because the only way to set a relation using API is to send the objects in the request, and the server always marks the objects as updated if it receives them in such request.