Not existing user token - 955C1E21-EC73-1A9D-FFDF-03C6DF268600. Relogin user to update your user t

Hi, how am i supposed to solve this and i have cleared all users in the database?

Just relogin your user

Thanks Sergey for yhe reply. I can’t because i have deleted all the users in the database. There’s no other way? maybe on the console?

Sergey … the problem is more serious. Surely the problem is other

Thanks Mark

Suppose if you do the following:

    Make an API request Receive the error about not existing user token Use the "logout" API in the error handler for the error code, redirect user to the login screen
Does the error happen again after that?

Thanks Mark for fast reply but I insist that the problem is most severe. I explain by topic :

1 - Every 24 hours approximately this “problem” happens.
2 - I’m testing the Backendless platform for almost one year (and I’m really enjoying) and this last week this error is occurring daily.
3 - I checked the support that there are many occurrences this week with the same problem. So it’s something general.
4 - Within one month we will be putting into production our applications and we are in the final stages of development. This error this worrying enough.
5 - Our projection will be in the future thousands of users . Imagine you force them daily log. It will be the end of the project.
Questions :
A - Something has changed in the last week for this error happen often?
B - Why when I reinstall my app the problem goes away? Some internal control?

Best Regards


Hi Rubens,
Please, provide us your application id (you can send it to
We’ll investigate this issue and let you know about our results as soon as possible.
Regards Ilya

I just sent now to

At this time the problem occurs on Android and IOS not. Yesterday was the reverse.
But has an explanation … I had reinstalled on iOS and not Android. It may be that the problem occurs within 24 hours in IOS Therefore I consider that to be an internal control of API’s.


Hi Rubens,

Could you please check if the following steps provide the result with the error:

    Login as user X on Android. (pick any user account in your app) Without logging out on Android, login as the same user X on iOS Without logging out on iOS, return to Android and see if you can continue using the app OR if you're getting that error.
Regards, Mark

Hi Mark,

I did exactly as you requested and in fact the error occurred.
I found the problem (I think) …
“Enable multiple logins” was off (carelessness on my part) … but I was conditioned to an error because the system allows you to change "maximum numbers logins simultaneos for an account " when “Enable multiple logins” is off.
If you allow a suggestion … to fix it.

I’ll be watching to see if the error occurs again in another situation
Thank you …

Hi Rubens,

You got it, this is exactly what I was getting at (or rather to) with my question.

You’re right, the “maximum number of logins” text box should be disabled when “Enable multiple logins” is off. We’ll take care of that bug.
