Redis Error

In the last two days I’ve been plagued with the frequent yet inconsistent error in android:

BackendlessException{ code: ‘Server.Processing’, message: ‘java.lang.RuntimeException: redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Could not get a resource from the pool’ }

That happens when I make any call to backendless. I’m using the most current backendless jar from your github page. Any thoughts as to what might be causing this?

We have seen this problem off an on for the past two days. We have made a few improvements today. When was the last time you received the error?

2 minutes ago, and whole console (web) is responding with Server is temp unavailable

30 seconds ago. It was the most frequent on Sunday. I’m not sure if I saw it yesterday. And I’m seeing it frequently as of now.

Just FYI, I have been getting that error pretty consistently all day today. Probably something like 80% of my requests made today result in the redis error.

and like Tomas below I’m getting server unavailable error in the console

What about the API calls? Do you experience any issues with them?

Same here, I do request and maybe 80% ends with that error.

PS. normal auth request for example, via backendless SDK (iOS)

Thanks, guys. We’re seeing the issue and the measures we took earlier are not helping. The team is looking into it and I will post an update as soon as I have it.



guys, we made a few diagnostics-related changes. Could you please try and report if you’re seeing any issues? Thanks!!

So far I have not seen the errors appear during some light testing when typically I would have seen several.

Looking good after some initial testing. Appreciate your responsiveness!

Thank you for confirming. I will mark this topic as Solved for now as things have stabilized.
