Adding backendless.jar from the SDK distribution to your project classpath

  1. connect to backendless to achieve user registration/ login via sms, and fb, messaging and voice calling and all its related features

The best way to add Backendless.initApp():

    Create a new Java class and have it extends Go to your manifest and add android:name="" attribute to the application tag referring to your Java class created in previous bullet. Create the onCreate() method in the Java class and add your code there (Backendless.initApp()) Your Application class is the first class running when your app starts and the last one closing. So by using the Application class, your initialisation of Backendless will remain current.

Good talk. but my questions remains, after all that initial steps, what next given that I have achieved all the set up as, adding the initApp, gcm, fb and completed adding same to the dev portal and all that.

When is the right time to actually use the “standalone”? My code got Dabase handler, Login page which prompt for entering Phone number for sms verification as well as fb… now how do I connect all these feature to start enjoying the backend support? I still do not get it clearly

This answer should be definitely included in documentation,
Thank you, Johan!

No problem.

Standalone you mean Backendless Standalone? In that case you would better use regalar Backendless Cloud at the beginning of development.

OK great, Get me started with that… How do I proceed immediately with the regular backendless clound>

The best way to get started with Backendless is to go through the getting started guide:, but I think that’s what you started with since it was mentioned in the very first post.

I have done and completed all that get started and saw some api request on the dashboard and facebook dev dashboard and able to view two installs on fb

Now what next? am not able to initiate any chat or voice call using the app

Neither chat nor voice calls are essential parts of what Backendless offers. We provide APIs which you can use to build apps with various features (like chat). As a part of this (free) support, we can help for the APIs, however, we do not provide assistance with developing apps or features. This is something that another group at Backendless does (consulting services).


Wonderful… so chat and voice is supported out of the box!

If peer to peer is not supported, it means I have wasted my precious time with this.
However where is the consulting services website it to view to what they offer and prices?

No, you misunderstood. I said “Neither chat nor voice calls are essential parts of what Backendless offers”, which means chat is not supported and voice calls are not supported out of the box. To get a quote, please contact sales at
