Backendless down once again for 5 hours on february 16th


We have an internal ticket for the export problem now. We will certainly look into it, however, please understand that we do not actively make any changes to the 3.x codebase as we technically have frozen any development there. The best course of action to consider is to migrate to the latest version of Backendless.


hi, is this migration happening? It seems still online.

Can you update me here and let me know when it starts, how it is going, and also when you are done in case it takes less.


Yes, it is happening:

thanks Mark, any idea why I can still access everything? (from the web for example, the other time it was not the case)

Because migration is a multi-step process. Data access may still be enabled, while saving data may be blocked, depending on where it is in the process.


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any updates on how long it will take? Thanks

In the email notices we sent out, we identified the following maintenance window:

8:00 to 13:00 GMT0 (3:00 AM to 8:00 AM EST)

yes I know, I was wondering if you think we might be done earlier (I think we are 2 hours in now?). Thx

I cannot make any predictions now. The team is working on it and we will update everyone in our Slack channel when the migration is done.

ok thanks, please let me know here as well as we do not use slack. Appreciate it.

The migration has been completed. Thank you for your patience.


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great news, thank you Mark for all the support and input during this migration

@mark-piller @olhadanylova we have an issue post-migration, we cannot access a table anymore and this blocks several functionalities.

Please look into this ASAP, it is the “LapOnline” table, if you query it, it all gets stuck (from the web but also from console, so probably you can verify the issue from console).

I could capture only this which does not seem to be any use, but I can query all other tables, this one not.

Screenshot 2020-02-17 08.49.35

App ID: 9088AF67-1648-1726-FF09-A51862BF1A00

From the web app (not the console) I get this on google chrome developer tools (only when trying to access the LapOnline table, which of course I access in the exact same I way I access all other tables, and was working before the migration). The message shows up after a very long time of hanging there (like minutes):

Let me know if you need any additional information

We are investigating the issue.


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The problem has been resolved. Could you please check and confirm?


thanks Mark, I confirm that it is working.

hi @mark-piller, something else to check.

I had this reported by an user (first time I see it):

I have searched the forum and found this: "app not properly configured" error on Registration, facebook login, forgot password

But even after going to the email settings, and resetting it, when I test I still get the error:

I see users are able to register, so I am not sure why this happened and how frequent it is, but if you could look into it, that would be great, thank you.

App ID: 9088AF67-1648-1726-FF09-A51862BF1A00

Hi @Alessandra_Saviotti,

We have identified and fixed the problem. It should be working now. Could you please check and confirm?


thank you, can this have impacted others? I am asking because we had many reports of people that could not see their data online after Sunday, they could use our app (as it can be used also offline), but then the initialization of backendless or login of the user somehow would not work as they could not see their data on the web service, which of course works only if the app writes to backendless correctly.

Do you think this could be due to the issue you just resolved? This happened only for some users in a sort of not-systematic way, hence we are struggling to sort it out (having users to login again solved it for most of them).

Thank you for your input / support

(I confirm that if I tap “test” the email now gives me “test passed”)

The issue we just resolved was strictly with sending out email.

For the users who could not see their data, how was the problem resolved? Did they reload the app? Or by some other means?