Backendless Pro (Community Edition) Installation on Windows Server 2019


Attached. (76.6 KB)

@Michael_Kadron as you have reset kubernetes, the cluster id has been changed. That is why the system decide that you are trying to install backendless on the other cluster with the same license, I have added your cluster id to your license. Just restart bl-server and everything should be fine

Hello again, @Nikita_Fedorishchev

That did not work, here’s the new log.

I am seeing two instances in Backendless Console now:
#1: bl-server-75b8847ff8-mpfjd
#2: bl-server-799d496b4-lkfdk (75.3 KB)


It just started working.

Thank you for your help!



Now, I’m hitting a wall with my project import zip being too large at 2.2GB.

I’m getting the following:
HTTP error 413 , 413 Request Entity Too Large

Are there recorded procedures somewhere on how to manually import the project zip file into Backendless Pro?

The AppID that I’m trying to migrate over is: ACE46687-EB31-F095-FF38-CDB1E0260900


Hello, @Michael_Kadron.

You can zip your application and create new with this zip by this route: Manage → App Info → Generate Zip.

App Owner Signature is required if your import an app created(and zipped) by another developer. He need to send to you this signature, it can be generated at this route:
Manage → Team → Generate Developer Signature

Regards, Nikita.

Hello Nikita,

I think you misunderstood my problem.

I have already done all that.

The problem is trying to IMPORT the zip into Backendless.

The exported zip file is 2.2GB and I get the error that I mentioned in my original post:
HTTP error 413 , 413 Request Entity Too Large when trying to import it into Backendless.


We were able to reproduce the problem.
But there is one question, if you have already created an app from the zip, why import the data again?


It’s being imported into our new Backendless Pro instance.


You need to create into new Pro instance app from the zip, and that way you can transfer your data.


I’m sorry, what are you saying?



I’ve already tried multiple times to import the project zip file and I receive the error shown above several times now (413 Request Entity Too Large).

I’ve tried when creating a new app, I’ve also tried creating a blank app and importing the project zip from there and I get the same error each time: 413 Request Entity Too Large

Then you stated that you were able to reproduce the problem.

I’m not sure what you’re saying here.


I correctly understand you that you tried both these variants?

  1. You created new application and tried to import data here.
  2. You create new application FROM ZIP(when you click new app you can attach your zip)?
    like at this example:


Yes, that’s what I just said (above).


Ok, thank you. Sorry for the inconvenience. Give us a little bit time.


No problem, Nikita,

Thank you for looking into this for us :slight_smile:


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Hi @Michael_Kadron,

We have investigated several cases and can reproduce the issue when downloading a file and uploading it to a new installation or app. However, if you create the app as described by @Nikita_Fedorishchev in this support thread using the link received in your email, the application is created successfully with data.

Please try creating a new application on your pro installation using the zip URL from your email, and let us know if you encounter any issues.

Thank you!

I’ll try it again, but the last time I tried that, the only thing that happened was I was instantly charged $1.80.


The charge of $1.80 occurred because your account had an outstanding debt of that amount. When you export any data or create a ZIP file, we process the payment for the remaining debt on your account.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to ask.


It finally worked!

Thanks to everyone for your help getting this to work! :slight_smile:

Nobody answered my question about Backendless Community Edition. Do I have to request a new key every month, or does it regenerate automagically?
