Backendless Pro (Community Edition) Installation on Windows Server 2019

Hello @Dima

That key did not exist there so I created it and restarted web-console and that did the trick.

Thank you for your help! :slight_smile:


Hello again, @Dima

How can I prevent random people from signing up for a developer’s account?

I tried the setting in Consul for disabling CONFIG/DEVELOPERREGISTRATION/enabled = false and restarted web-console, but this didn’t appear to do anything useful.

Also, how can the existing registered users be viewed?

I’ve asked many times now, but is there no documentation for Backendless Pro?



Sorry for a long delay.

No, you should not, in the final release we will remove the expiration date.

Hello @Michael_Kadron

you need to restart bl-server, then when console call the server to register the developer it will return an error

Okay, thanks!

I restarted web-console – silly me :slight_smile:



Thanks! Sergii

That did the trick!

What about my other two questions?

#1: How can existing developers be viewed/created/modified in the appropriate DB?
#2: Is there documentation that I can refer to so I don’t have to keep bothering you poor, overworked guys? :slight_smile:


  1. You can change it in the main_backendless.Developer table. Additionally, the invitation process should also work for this purpose.

  2. There will be an entirely new set of documentation published soon. In the meantime, feel free to ask any questions. This will help us expedite the documentation process! :blush:

Thanks @Sergii

I see it under the k8s-mount/mysql/data folder, but how do I view/modify the main_backendless.Developer table exactly?



on the host machine use kubectl tool to connect to mysql Get a Shell to a Running Container | Kubernetes something like the following:

kubectl exec --stdin --tty bl-mysql-0 -- /bin/bash

and there you can use mysql -u root -h -p<password-from-consul>

<password-from-consul> – is in consul by the following key config/connection/main/password

Hello @sergey.kuk ,

Thanks for the info!

I’m curious, is is possible to use MySQL Workbench on the server to connect to these databases?

Can I do something like: ```
kubectl port-forward service/mysql 3306:3306

and then connect to them using MySQL Workbench on the server?

Hi @Michael_Kadron,

Sure, you can proceed in a way that works best for you.

I also want to remind you that additional questions, such as those related to database connections, are not covered under the Community Edition free support.

You just said this:

So I gave you a question :blush:

I just meant if it was still a safe connection method (using MySQL Workbench) to the K8 SQL instance.

Thanks @sergey.kuk !!! :slight_smile:

What is the going rate for Backendless Pro Community Edition support per-hour?
I’m probably going to need support in the future.

Feel free for you (or Mark) to email me. I’ve extremely impressed with Backendless Pro.
(Once you fixed the issues deploying it on Windows) :smiley:

Hi @Michael_Kadron ,

Sorry for delay with response.

What is the going rate for Backendless Pro Community Edition support per-hour?

Unfortunately there is no “per-hour” option with PRO support. This type of support is provided only on annual subscription basis with price $10.000 per year.

Regards, Andriy