BackendlessFault{ code: '4018', message: 'Metadata key cannot be NULL.' }

Do you have any “unique” constraints in the Driver table?


For what columns?

I can send your app id to mail and you can review table schema

Sure, send it over.


What was the intent of this code?: Create the “Status” column with a reference to the DriverStatus table?

DriverStatus status = new status;
HashMap driver = new HashMap();
driver.put("___class", "Driver");
driver.put("__meta", mCurrentDriver.__meta);
driver.put("objectId", mCurrentDriver.getObjectId());
driver.put("Status", status);

Yes, I try to update this value

Well, the “Status” column does not even exist in the Driver table. How can you update the value?

Also, you cannot combine map-driven approach with the class-based one. If you send a hashmap for the Driver object, then any child objects must also be hashmaps.

I renamed it to DriverStatus. Can relations’s properties conflict due the same names?
For example I have a Vehicle relation which contains Status property and a DriverStatus relation with property Status and I try to save a driver with these two relations.

It would help to see the entire block of code which populates the values you save. So far I got the following:

DriverStatus status = new status;
HashMap driver = new HashMap();
driver.put("___class", "Driver");
driver.put("__meta", mCurrentDriver.__meta);
driver.put("objectId", mCurrentDriver.getObjectId());
driver.put("Status", status);

There are 2 problems with this code:

    You're mixing map-based approach with the class-based You should not copy the __meta property as it is not needed here and may cause other problems