Calculating The Number Of Post Likes

I do not see that line in your app, have you published it?

you show me code from your local IDE, when I’m talking about Coding Section in the Backendless Dev Console

/Created on 07/01/2021 13:35:58./

class Posts {

async getAll() {

  const currentUserId = this.request.context.userId
     if (!currentUserId) {
  throw new Error('You must be logged in.')

 return loadPosts(currentUserId);


  • @param {String} userId
  • @description to load posts what a specific user is following their creator
  • */

async getPublicPosts(userId){
const postsStore = Backendless.Data.of(‘Posts’)
const usersStore = Backendless.Data.of(‘Users’)

  const postQuery=Backendless.Data.QueryBuilder.create()
   .setWhereClause(`ownerId in (Users[objectId='${userId}'].following.objectId)
   and challengeId = 'DCF18B4F-6382-4572-A78E-E3704F2174CC'`);
   const posts = await postsStore.find(postQuery)
    if (!posts.length) {
  return []

const ownerIds = []

// combine unique userIds 
posts.forEach(post => {
  if (!ownerIds.includes(post.ownerId)) {

// load only necessary users by their ids
const usersQuery = Backendless.Data.QueryBuilder.create()
  .setWhereClause(`objectId in (${ => `'${d}'`).join(',')})`)

const users = await usersStore.find(usersQuery)
const usersMap = users.reduce((m, user) => ({ ...m, [user.objectId]: user }), {})

return => {
  const publisher = usersMap[post.ownerId]

  // extend post object with user object
  return {,
    user: {
      objectId: publisher.objectId,
      name :,



  • @param {String} postId
  • */
    async likePost(postId) {
    const currentUserId = this.request.context.userId;
if (!currentUserId) {
  throw new Error('You must be logged in.')

await Backendless.Data.of('Posts').addRelation(postId, 'likes', [currentUserId])



  • @param {String} postId
  • */
    async unlikePost(postId) {
    const currentUserId = this.request.context.userId;
if (!currentUserId) {
  throw new Error('You must be logged in.')

await Backendless.Data.of('Posts').deleteRelation(postId, 'likes', [currentUserId])




  • @param {String} currentUserId
  • @description to load posts what likes
  • */

async function loadPosts(currentUserId, whereClause) {
const postsStore = Backendless.Data.of(‘Posts’)
const usersStore = Backendless.Data.of(‘Users’)

const ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 20

const queryWithLikes = Backendless.Data.QueryBuilder.create()
‘Count(likes) as totalLikesCount’,
.setSortBy(‘created desc’)

if (whereClause) {

const posts = await postsStore.find(queryWithLikes)

if (!posts.length) {
return []

const ownerIds = []
const possibleLikedPostsIds = []

posts.forEach(post => {
if (!ownerIds.includes(post.ownerId)) {

post.liked = !!currentUserId && post.likes.some(like => like.objectId === currentUserId)

if (!post.liked && post.totalLikesCount > post.likes.length && currentUserId) {

if (possibleLikedPostsIds.length) {
const likedPostsQuery = Backendless.Data.QueryBuilder.create()
.setWhereClause(objectId in (${ => ’${d}’).join(',')}) and likes.objectId = '${currentUserId}')

const likedPosts = await postsStore.find(likedPostsQuery)
const likedPostsIds = => o.objectId)

posts.forEach(post => {
post.liked = post.liked || likedPostsIds.includes(post.objectId)

const publishersQuery = Backendless.Data.QueryBuilder.create()
.setWhereClause(objectId in (${ => ’${d}’).join(',')}))

const publishers = await usersStore.find(publishersQuery)
const publishersMap = publishers.reduce((m, user) => ({ …m, [user.objectId]: user }), {})

return => {
const publisher = publishersMap[post.ownerId]

return {
userId : publisher.objectId,
objectId : post.objectId,
created : post.created,
content : post.content,
totalLikesCount: post.totalLikesCount,
liked : post.liked,
user : {
objectId: publisher.objectId,
email :,
name :,

just copying the entire code won’t help

thanks for your time
i delete the function and write it again now it is okay
really i do not know what was the wrong
but it is okay its good now
excuse me its the first time :slight_smile:

it’s ok, I’m glad to hear that everything works for you

1 Like

Thanks for your effort
The code working now good