
Hi, @Sanjay_Christian

In order we can reproduce and understand your issue, we need a small reproducible project from you please.
Also, please add the following information:

  1. We support java 17, please specify what version of java do you have installed?
  2. Make sure the JAVA_HOME is installed. As one of the error you get informs that there is the issue with this variable
16:08:27.855 [ERROR] c.b.c.CodeRunnerLoader |main| It appears you do not have JAVA_HOME environment variables set.
Please, set up the JAVA_HOME environment variable by pointing it to the root directory
of your JDK location
  1. When exactly do you get these errors? (What method is called when they occur?)
  2. Does the above error occur when the logic is deployed to our server?


Hi Marina,
Thank you for looking into this problem.

My issue is that when I run my code under “CodeRunner.bat” (debug version) my application executes fine(no exception errors). But, when I deploy my code using “Deploy.bat” and run the code without debugger, it throws errors.
I have created a separate page (Backendless) just click the button no input parameter is required.
application id 94496922-170D-4236-FF64-228CA5F5DE00

  1. I am using Java 17

  2. I have added “JAVA_HOME” environmental variable.

  3. I get these error while deploying and running under debuger. I am attaching deployment output log file.
    outputofdeploy.txt (169.0 KB)

  4. Error occurs when it is deployed to the server.
    I am also attaching both bat files (CodeRunner.bat and Deploy.bat)
    CodeRunner - Copy.bat.txt (1.4 KB)
    Deploy - Copy.bat.txt (1.4 KB)

The following error occurs when I run the code with “deployed” serverside code

The same code runs fine when I run it under “debuger” (CodeRunner.bat)

Thank you for your help.

Hi. Thanks for the logs and your time.
We’ve found an error. It is related to the modular JAR files and multi-release JARs (which you use as dependencies).
The internal ticket is [BKNDLSS-31410]. We will post here in this topic about the progress.

Thank you for your help.

Hi @oleg-vyalyh, do you know ETA for this fix? Thanks.

Hello @Sanjay_Christian!

We’ll let you know in this thread as soon as the fix is ready.
Thank you for your patience.


@Alexander_Pavelko any update on this fix? thanks.

Hi, @Sanjay_Christian

The ticket has an open status. I have raised its priority, we will do our best to get it done faster. Sorry you have wait.


Thank you.

Is this resolved? It works in “coderunner” but does not work when I “deploy” the code. Can you please let me know? thanks.

Hi @Sanjay_Christian,

We’re sorry you have to wait so long, the ticket is in the queue to be fixed. One of the team members will try to do the task in the nearest time.


Hi there @Sanjay_Christian,

We have discussed the ticket with the developer. Our engineer is going to take the task next, but we cannot promise that it will be released in the nearest time. Since the problem is not trivial it requires additional research to implement. We will do our best to solve it as soon as possible. When the problem is solved, we will let you know in this thread.


Hi @Sanjay_Christian,

The issue for the issue described above has been fixed. Please upload a new JAVA project through the console and change the CodeRunner file in your project. Can you confirm that everything now works as it should?
