Email templates missing, cannot continue with the Mission


As a newbie, I was going through my Mission Map and when I opened the “User Manager” mission, after clearing all previous tasks and missions, I was facing two problems:

  1. Under “Users”, there is no tab “Email Templates”
  2. Under “Messages”, there is no tab “Emails”

Unfortunately, this means that I cannot continue with my Mission. I’ve even added my Mailgun SMTP server in App Setting thinking that maybe that would help, but nothing has changed.

Backendless Version: v6.6.5
Application ID: 1B08C13A-7F1B-4844-FFC1-CE38B66B5000

Thank you for your time and effort.


All email templates have been consolidated under Messaging > Emails:


Thank you very much Mark for your prompt response and I’m sorry to have missed that.

Hi @Sinisa_Perovic,

Heads-up - there is an issue with that specific task being recognized as complete. Another user wrote about it yesterday:

This is caused by a recent release where the email templates UI changed.


Thank you for the heads-up, had no issues, already going through “Serverless 101” :slight_smile: