Fault 1007 when trying to save a double property.

Hi Mark,

Sorry to bother you again, just wanted to know if you guys are looking into this?

Thanks a lot,


Yes, we are. There is a bit of a backlog with the iOS support tickets, but we will get to this one soon.

Hi Mark,

Any update on this one as this is a real showstopper for us?

Thanks a lot!


Hi Barry,

This has been fixed. Please try it with the latest library from the github repository and let us know if it works for you.


Hi Mark,

That is really great news. Im gonna try it right away.

Hi Mark,

Too bad -> It still gives me the same error:

Fault! Error Creating BLProjectObject 'double fixed!': FAULT = '1007' [Unable to save object - invalid data type for properties - doubleProperty. You can change the property type in developer console.] <Unable to save object - invalid data type for properties - doubleProperty. You can change the property type in developer console.> 

Or if trying it with the sample app to reproduce the error I created:

Fault! Error Creating Menu 'Optional("Funky Food")':  FAULT = '1007' [Unable to save object - invalid data type for properties - price. You can change the property type in developer console.] <Unable to save object - invalid data type for properties - price. You can change the property type in developer console.> 

Hi Barry,

I confused this issue with the serialization for booleans. I apologize… this one is still open and is under investigation.


Hi Mark,

Any update on this issue?

Thanks a lot,


Still open, we’re working through a backlog of issues stemming from support.

Hi Barry,

This issue already is fixed, it will be deployed in the next server-side release this week.


That is great news! So it wasn’t in the SDK?

Anyway: Can’t wait for the fix to roll-out! Thanks a lot!

Hi Barry!
These changes already on production server. Could you try again?

It works now. Thanks a lot!

Hi, I believe I am encountering this same error on Backendless standalone. I was wondering if there was a way to know if this bug still exists on standalone, and when/if the standalone version might be updated?

I know it’s a bit unfair to make requests on something that is free but I also pay for marketplace add-ons with the cloud version. The standalone is great for our environments where we don’t have internet access though.


Please update the latest Backendless SDK via CocoaPods (3.0.30) release or from ios-SDK github (CommLibiOS and backendless), and check your code with production (api.backendless.com) and with standalone.