Google social login not redirecting to custom domain

Thanks @mark-piller, am I right in thinking that the risk goes away when we scale to a managed service?

@Luc_Zentar ,

You can perform custom domain replacement using RegExp block:

Regards, Andriy

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Hello @Andriy_Konoz - I have pointed the A record at this IP address and this is the result

What else do I need to do to make this work?

Hi @Luc_Zentar ,

Did you update custom domain information in your app?
Your app should be bound to your root domain.

Regards, Andriy

Hi @Andriy_Konoz

It doesn’t let me use a custom domain without www.

@Luc_Zentar ,

It seems that our validation for custom domain relies on CNAME entry.
I have added second entry for your domain without www part.

Regards, Andriy

Thank you @Andriy_Konoz , can the SSL be added to the root as well please? It currently shows as http only

@Luc_Zentar ,

I have created a ticket for our devOps team. Usually it takes up to one working day to add a certificate to a custom domain. I will notify you in this topic when it will be done.

Regards, Andriy

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Certificate was added. Could you please check and confirm that everything ok from your side?

Regards, Andriy

it works, thank you