iOS Quick Start Guide Not Working

Hi Dino,

No offense taken. I think the best approach when you’re trying things out is to go with the path of least resistance. Getting your “hello world” app “ISO 9001 certified” just to see it saying “hello world” is a great deal of wasted time and over-engineering. I understand what Apple says, but look at it this way: you have a local server and a sample XCode project constrained to work with that server. How critical is it at this point to follow Apple recommendations? Not critical at all. Is it more important to implement all the suggestions by a dozen of developers from stackoverflow or make a simple change (cut about 300 corners) so that you can see an object created in the backendless storage? In the end you will end up installing an SSL cert on the server anyway and all this messing around with the ATS requirements becomes obsolete, complete meaningless.

In the end it is your choice, your time and most importantly your frustration. I’m just here to help where I can.


Hi Mark,

I will definitely take your words into consideration and I fully understand your view point.

Will keep your points in mind.

Kind regards,


How do I mark this topic as reoslved?

Did you get it working?

I took your advice and used the setting you recommended and it is working.