Larger file size upload

Hi Team,

We have 4k Videos that we want to upload on backendless directory. The size of video more than 1 GB. Now the maximum limit only 1GB. It is possible to upgrade that. We have CSM and we want to allow user to Upload more than 1 GB size.

Hello, @Vinod_Sahu.
There is a limitation, it will be reduced.
Could you please indicate the way in which you are uploading the file?

Regards, Nikita

I am using File Uploader Button


Created an internal ticket BKNDLSS-25498.
When it’s done I’ll let you know.

Best regards, Nikita.

So i can upload more than 1GB file we want to upload around 7 - 8 GB single file

When the ticket is implemented, you can do it.

Regards, Dima.

Can you let me know when it will implement ?

Hi, @Vinod_Sahu

We understand how important this is to you. Our developers are working on this task. As soon as changes are available, we will let you know. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Hi, @Vinod_Sahu

Required changes have already been made for the US cluster apps. Now it is allowed to upload files up to 10GB. We are currently working on the changes for the EU cluster.


Hi, this change from 1Gb to 10Gb for upload a file it’s for everyone now?

Thanks, Mario

Hello @Mario_Ghersi

This is available to everyone if you have free space to download large files.


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