I go try your sample code UserService i was getting the same error from there also .
Did you create a user using Backendless Console?
- ya
Then why do you login with the same credentials as before?
123123123@live.com is first try
i have try 123321@live.com which is backendless console it is working
i wonder why it is working
That’s what I thought. How was this user created: "123123123@live.com" ?
that one still having the same problem
How was that user created?
- Did you use facebook login
backendless register API
created it in backendless console?
- backendless register API
Can you send your application ID and secret key to support@backendless.com ?
OK Sure
I just registered a user in your app and tried login/logout. It worked just fine.
Here’s the code:
Types.tryblock({ () -> Void in
backendless.userService.login("mark@backendless.com", password: "12345" );
print("user logged out" );
catchblock: { (exception) -> Void in
print("Server reported an error: \(exception as! Fault)")
Ok thanks i think i have logic errors in my code