Logout User FAULT = '3023' [Unable to logout user due to error: user must be logged in.]

I go try your sample code UserService i was getting the same error from there also .


Did you create a user using Backendless Console?


Then why do you login with the same credentials as before?

123123123@live.com is first try
i have try 123321@live.com which is backendless console it is working
i wonder why it is working

That’s what I thought. How was this user created: "123123123@live.com" ?

that one still having the same problem

How was that user created?

    Did you use facebook login backendless register API created it in backendless console?
Regards, Mark
    backendless register API

Can you send your application ID and secret key to support@backendless.com ?

OK Sure

I just registered a user in your app and tried login/logout. It worked just fine.

Here’s the code:

        Types.tryblock({ () -> Void in
        backendless.userService.login("mark@backendless.com", password: "12345" );
            print("user logged out" );
            catchblock: { (exception) -> Void in
                print("Server reported an error: \(exception as! Fault)")

Ok thanks i think i have logic errors in my code