Newbie Question - What's the logic for image and text switching on a mouse over?

Hi if I just want to have an Image or Text replacement effect when a mouse over event occurs what is the best way to do this in the logic builder?

image_swap_0 image_swap_1

This should help you:

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Hello @William_Lee

You can use Mouse Over/Out handlers and logic from the screenshot to do it.

Here you can see how it works - click

Regards, Dima.

Hi Dima thanks for your help.

What is the syntax that I need to have in the Image src property value?

My image url is the following.

I’m looking at your image example and I just used your “data:image…” prefix example.

I tried to duplicate your syntax from what I saw and came up with this string below but it didn’t work. Also why did you call the property “src” and not “URL”?


By the way is this the proper way to set a text color property? Of is there some additional syntax that I need to add into it as well? It didn’t work in changing the text color when I tried to do a mouse over on that block control.

Thanks for helping me to clear this up!

Default link of image - ‘
My base64 image is just for example.
Why src - because native html image have src property - link.

For setting styles you need another block - Style of

Regards, Dima.

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Ok I got that to work but now I need to get the right logic syntax for a block’s border color. Can you please tell me what I’m doing wrong here? Thanks!

Hi William,

This should do it:

When you set styles, the property names (such as border in my screenshot) are standard CSS styles. Here’s the doc for border:


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