Out of sort memory in Data Browser

Is that sufficient?

Hello @Jorg_Beyer,

yes, thank you.
I’ve created an internal ticket to fix this issue.

Hi again,

Could you try adding an index to the column name?

It already has an index

Do you have any sorting in the related table?

Sorry, for the late reply.
No, there is no sorting in the related table. Any sorting in the related table leads to the same error in that table, so I avoid sorting.

Any chance to have a deeper look into this topic?

Thanks, Joerg

Sorry for the long reply, we looking into it right now.


I have tried to add relation after disabling all sorting in the related table - and it works as expected.

Could you please go to related table, and manually enable sorting for the first column, and after that disable it. It will help us to be sure, that there are no sorting in any other column.

Does error still appear after this actions?

Regards, Dima.

What do you mean by enabling/disabling sorting? I have manually done sorting by clicking on the sorting button of the column in the related table. And did that until no sorting.
The error still appears.



Go to StockMRQEvaluationData table and enable sorting for first column, and after that disable it.

After that try to add relation again.

That’s what I have done.

And as I understand the error still appear.

Ok, lets try to investigate what the difference between your and my cases.

Please do the next steps:

  1. go to the Idea table
  2. open browser devtools(F12 or Right Mouse Click → Inspect)
  3. Choose network tab(1)
  4. Clear all request using button(2)
  5. Try to add relations

And for every “find” request(3) repeat next:

  • choose payload tab(4)
  • Right Mouse Click on request payload(5)
  • Click “Copy object”
  • Paste it here

Hi, the difference is, that my request contains a sort. But why?

I checked every single table - not only the related one, biut all tables - and disabled sorting.
But without any effect.

I can see that every table view of the related objects is by default sorted! I cannot disable sorting here.

This must be set by the backendless. What do you think?

Hello @Jorg_Beyer

We have added an internal task to remove default sorting.


cannot await it. :wink:

How do I get the information when you have released this feature?

Regards, Joerg

Hi @Jorg_Beyer ,
We will additionally notify you in this topic that this bug has been fixed;
it is currently under development.


Hi @Jorg_Beyer,

We’ve just updated the cloud servers to fix the issue you described above. Could you kindly let us know whether the fix works for you?


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