Save and Retrieve a image file in backendless

Hi Riyaz

The first you need to deploy a new file to backendless, how to do this in your app you can find here

Or you can upload the file via Backendless Console, File Service

Then you need to define a new table column, go to Data Service, Table Schema and Permissions (RED button in the top right)
and add a new table column with type FILE_REFERENCE

Back to Data Browser and you see the column, click to dialog icon, see screenshot

You can select file from Backendless or just specify url, see screenshot

Now the file is added to table record

So, take a look how we can retrieve the file url, for it go to RestConsole and just click at GET button, you can that file url is there, see screenshot

Let us know if we can help you with anything else.

Regards, Vlad