After registering iOS device and tried sending notification to all devices(Android as well)
I get notification for Android but not on iOS Also one thing noticed, everytime when we send notification from backendless template the iOS device is getting deleted from the DeviceRegistration table.
one thing, I have noticed, the deviceToken which is getting generated for IOS, is totally in different format as compared to both Android and the dummy Push notification project on Backendless.
Following is the format of the device token of IOS
If you got push notifications for a project working, then follow whatever you did in that project. The problem appears to be with your setup and not backendless.
If you’re using a sandbox certificate, it will work only when you run your iOS app in debug mode.
“errorMessage”: “Could not find status for message with id: 9734C0BF-95FC-4381-A88D-FC728FCE22A6”,
“messageId”: “9734C0BF-95FC-4381-A88D-FC728FCE22A6”,
“status”: “unknown”
“errorMessage”: “Could not find status for message with id: message:9402D902-6467-447A-952A-BA1F8E33EF4B”,
“messageId”: “message:9402D902-6467-447A-952A-BA1F8E33EF4B”,
“status”: “unknown”
@sergey.kuk@mark-piller We are using the direct registerDevice method of JS SDK to register the device and after sending the message
I got this response