I have read similar topics and its mostly due to many users accessing the API. In my app there are only 2 developers including me. Could you please explain what exactly cause this?
My App ID is: B4F92BD3-34B5-C368-FFA7-78380524F500
I have read that too before. But still can’t find what cause it in our app because we are currently on development and there are only 2 of us. It’s not like we are demonstrating the app and having it installed to many users.
Yes, there are 2 of us. I’m developing the APIs and my friend develop the mobile apps using Thunkable which use Web API to get data from Backendless. Maybe the AWS location is from Thunkable.
I believe you, unfortunately, SuperScaling detects multiple locations and is programmed to act accordingly. These are the locations where the backend had been accessed when SuperScaling kicked in: