The API request has been rejected because it requires scaling for processing

My app just got blocked due to “Super Scaling” requirement on Springboard plan.

I have read similar topics and its mostly due to many users accessing the API. In my app there are only 2 developers including me. Could you please explain what exactly cause this?

My App ID is: B4F92BD3-34B5-C368-FFA7-78380524F500

Hello @irwancheung

I’s not depended on number of developers, there are severals rules/limits. I assume the following answer gives you more information

Regards, Vlad

I have read that too before. But still can’t find what cause it in our app because we are currently on development and there are only 2 of us. It’s not like we are demonstrating the app and having it installed to many users.

Hi Irwan,

Do you access Backendless from different computers, mobile phones? Multiple locations?


If it helps, we see that the backend is being accessed from Indonesia and from multiple locations in AWS.

Yes, there are 2 of us. I’m developing the APIs and my friend develop the mobile apps using Thunkable which use Web API to get data from Backendless. Maybe the AWS location is from Thunkable.

I believe you, unfortunately, SuperScaling detects multiple locations and is programmed to act accordingly. These are the locations where the backend had been accessed when SuperScaling kicked in:

 1) ""
 2) ""
 3) ""
 4) ""
 5) ""
 6) ""
 7) ""
 8) ""
 9) ""
10) ""

Ok, let me check. Thank you very much for the information.