I am trying to deploy my app Volpass to backendless viewer. But it is not deploying the latest code.
I am trying to deploy my app Volpass to backendless viewer. But it is not deploying the latest code.
Are you getting an error?
Yes. I have changed my main page to HomePage, but I still see LandingPageMobile as the first page when I open Volpass from viewer. Also when I click on the button “Join For Free” on LandingPageMobile, I see an error as shown in the attachment.
Are you running your app by scanning a QR code in Backendless Viewer?
Your app is already publishing and you are running it from the Backendless Viewer directory?
I am publishing my app to ROOT/web and selecting the option to publish to backendless viewer. Not scanning the QR code.
I am sorry, but I am confused… Please answer the following questions:
You said you’re not scanning QR, so you must be running it from Viewer. But if publication fails, how do you run it from Viewer??
Hi Mark,
I don’t know what is happening behind the scene. There is no error message that publishing failed. But the main page is not reflecting correctly in viewer. The same code is deployed to container. http://www.volpass.net/ - HomePage is loading. However in viewer the LandingPageMobile is loading.
Also the “Join for Free” button is not working. Please note that the app was published in viewer since long time. However republishing does not reflect the recent changes.
Right now we’re upgrading the Viewer. Once it is updated in the appstore, we can check. How can we tell if the latest version of the app is running?
Hi Mark,
If the app opens with HomePage as shown, I would assume it is the latest code.
Still getting error while publishing. This time getting a clear message could not publish to UI container.
Hello @Ariv_Sahoo
We apologize for the inconvenience. We will investigate your problem shortly and will reply to you as soon as we have some results. Internal ticket for this problem BKNDLSS-30397
Hi Inna,
No, the problem is not there. However, there is a different problem now. When I click on Create event on my app, it gives a an error. The same works from desktop. On observation I noticed that one reusable component is missing in the web directory. Please find the url of the reusable component.
Backendless. But the same component is not present in web folder. Backendless folder. Hence it is not included in deployment package and it errors.
Also my updated App Icon is not coming up in viewer. So my guess is the deployment is not happening correctly.
Hi, @Ariv_Sahoo
If the deployment to Backendless Viewer now works correctly. Please create a new support topic for the new issue. Describe the problem and provide us with the steps to reproduce it in your app. We will try to figure out the problem together.
Hi @David_Duncan !
It seems to me that your problem is not related to the current thread (thread about problem with deployment and your problem is related to the Data Service). Cloud you please create a separate support topic for it?
Regards, Andriy