Hello, I am reposting this unanswered questions with a little more information.
I have a need to remove the rail visually on some slider components and not others.
I can accomplish hiding all rails using:
.bl-slider-rail .levelSlider {
opacity: 0;
.bl-slider-track {
opacity: 0;
I copied the relevant section of a rendered web page of the slider spans, in case it is useful. I put it at the end of this post.
I try to only affect some sliders and not other with the following extension, but cannot get it to apply:
.bl-slider-rail .levelSlider {
opacity: 0;
.bl-slider-track .levelSlider {
opacity: 0;
was one attempt, and another:
Here is the slider with the two relevant internal spans:
<span class="MuiSlider-root bl-slider MuiSlider-colorPrimary MuiSlider-vertical bl-slider--vertical" style="margin: 5px 5px 1px; font-size: 0.75rem; position: absolute; z-index: 30; align-self: center; height: 93.8px;">
Here are the relevant spans inside the above:
<span class="MuiSlider-rail bl-slider-rail"></span>
<span class="MuiSlider-track bl-slider-track" style="bottom: 0%; height: 66%;"></span>```