What is the correct way to catch DB changes from API actions?

Hello @Michael_Kadron,

@Sergey_Androsov mentioned that if you have some Cloud Code similar to the one shown in the image

if you call POST /orders event handler for the table will not be triggered when you make the call. This happens because the system doesn’t trigger the event handler when you call data service from server cloud code. In case when you use server cloud code you can do anything you need inside the service

However, the event handler will be triggered if you directly call the Data Service API from the client, such as by using cURL or any other client.

For example, you can use a cURL command like this:

curl -X POST https://<your-generated-domain>.backendless.app/api/data/LabSavvy -d ‘{…data…}’

This will ensure that the event handler is executed as expected.

Let me know if you need further clarification or assistance!

Best regards.