Modify default UI components


Application ID: E655DC15-398E-A358-FFC1-1D414D006C00

I currently have a system/change-password (format: {container}/{page}) page in the UI builder but when trying to make changes, nothing is getting reflected on the actual page that’s referenced from the “change password” link that gets sent to users. Where is the default page for changing password so I can modify it?

Thank You,

Hi, @Innocent_Nwaukwa

Please see the documentation at the link below in the section starting with For the "User requests password recovery by link":


I tried that and I’m trying to just change wording but even after deploying to web/system, I’m not seeing the text change reflected

To get visiblity on this issue

Hi @Innocent_Nwaukwa,

I just opened the “change-password” page (published) and your changes are showing up.

If you still have this problem, please provide more detailed steps so that we can help you.


Huh, that would mean that the link that gets sent to users to change their password doesn’t refer to that page.

The screenshot you sent and this screenshot are different:

Not sure where this one is located and how to overwrite it.

Thank You,
Innocent Nwaukwa.

Hello @Innocent_Nwaukwa,

I apologize for any confusion earlier. I’ve successfully reproduced the issue you reported and have implemented a fix. Could you please check and confirm if everything is working as expected now? Thank you!

Best regards

Just confirmed that it works as expected now.

Thank You everyone!
