Reusable Component w/ POD


I am attempting to implement an approach to building a navigation menu recommended by Vlad in a consulting call this morning. He ran into issues during the call and I’ve now reproduced, making me suspect a bug.


  • Left-Side Nav Menu implemented in layout
  • Navigation item via reusable component with pod for sub-items
  • (theoretically, there would be another reusable component for sub items that I can then nest in the above pod)

When running a page using the layout, or when attempting to load a page that uses the reusable component, the page or layout will fail to load. Error:

App ID: B48F625D-32BF-DADA-FF67-212191E2B500
Reusable Component Name: “Nav Menu Item Set”

Can you guys take a look and let me know your thoughts? I really would like to use this method for crafting the nav bar as it seems the cleanest and most extensible.


Hi, @James_Hereford

I assume that the problem is caused by the use of PODs in the layout. I created an internal ticket in which we will fix it.
Thank you for discovering this problem, this will definitely make Backendless better.


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Hi @James_Hereford,

We’ve just updated cloud servers with a fix for the issue you described above. Could you kindly let us know whether the fix works for you?
