Trouble Populating Select Options


I’m trying to use the select drop down with my organization table but for some reason it keeps giving me a type error. I’ve tried multiple different ways which I’ve found online and none seem to fix it, I’ve also console logged the object that comes back from the database call and it doesn’t come undefined.

Here’s a how-to guide on how to populate the Select component:


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So I’ve tried that way and I’ve triple checked everything. I could be missing something but I can’t find it. The error I’m getting is a type error coming in from the array I’ve created with the map function, it tells me it’s undefined but I’ve checked and it’s not. I put some conditions in place to make sure and everything checks out.

My application ID is this: 27CFF991-B8B6-1C94-FF36-C32CD79DF700
The page is called: Management within the default container

If you could take a look I would be grateful!

Where is the map function defined? I cannot find it anywhere. Could you please attach a screenshot? (without any cropping)


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I was able to fix it! Thank you for your time!