Goal: SMS phone number authentication
1.Firebase sms authentication
2. Other rest api based services like twili
for twili we need to invoke request from the nodejs backendless code (API services environment), I was trying to send https request from the nodejs but it didn’t work, so my question is: are post requests to 3rd party services possible inside of the backendless api services (nodejs codes) ?
firebase authentication:
since firebase gives 10k free succeed sms verification, it’s naturally the first option I would look to, this will save 500$ per month at least. (huge amount for starters)
we were able to authenticate phone number on fireabse. Next step was to send phone number securely to backendless, in other words send the phone number along with an evidence that this number has been validated. in this regard firebase provides the following service:
clearly this service uses jwt, is there any nodejs library in backendless that support token validation? available libraries on the internet: