4-3 on realmission

Mission: LAYOUT 101
Task: Sticky header
On task 4-3, I cannot select the fixed button and can only fix the page. Therefore, I cannot validate the mission. I attempted to fix the page and still use the same dimensions, but it did not work. Thank you for your help
Alexander Merz-Betz

Please, describe your problem here.

Hello @Alexander_Merz-Betz!

Kindly verify that the block you’re choosing is the right one:


yes the mission header, I dont have the option of selecting the fixed button

Could you please provide screenshots and specify the name of the page you’re working on for this mission?


The page is 4-3 and on the right side the position box is missing. Thank you for the help!

I found such a page only in your Missions app, not in realmission.
Is this the correct one?
If so, the page itself is fine.
Please double-check that you are selecting the correct block.
I’ve highlighted in the screenshot what to pay attention to:
