400 Error : The specified resource was not found

Can’t access my app (EU cluster) :

HTTP status code 400
{“code”:6007,“message”:“The specified resource was not found”,“errorData”:{}}

Same with my app.
Same error has also happened before:

Are you talking about Backendless console or your specific app? Providing a URL that demonstrates the issue would super helpful as we do not see any issues on our side.

@mark-piller Www.inpark.no

Also, more info in the thread i linked to.

Hi Mark,

From where I’m standing the issue is pretty general to https://eu-develop.backendless.com

Here are more details :

  • when trying to preview my app from the UI builder, I got the answer above, and the browser console showed an HTTP 400 error.
  • when trying to refresh data from a table in an already opened browser tab, the progress bar on top never ends.
  • when trying to open a new UI builder tab, it doesn’t go past the spinner (the page structure might be cached), and I end up having : Something went wrong:slightly_frowning_face: Don't worry, it's not your fault. Error Details: Step 3/7 [Loading Charts]: Oops. An internal error [d6f251d9cd44c64227a4aca42605d905] has occurred. We are working on it. Please try again later
  • when trying to open a new backend tab, it just loads endlessly.

Can you confirm you are working on this? App still down.

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Yes, we are working on the issue.

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Now that the apps are back online, this opens up two topics :

I had asked how to deal with no connection. I was directed to catch “Network Error” (How to catch a network error exception?). However, during this outage, it did not work as planned. Probably since the errors thrown were different. This time, I have managed to catch the following message : "Custom business logic execution has been terminated because it did not complete in permitted time - 15 seconds ". Is there a list of the error messages somewhere, or better still, could there be a Codeless block for catching a connectivity issue ?

And finally, I have scoured the forums for information about offline capability. I understand Local Storage could be a possibility. Yet I have tried it and once on a mobile device this immediately produced a "QuotaExceededError: the quota has been exceeded. " I found this to be probably linked to the fact that the Local Storage was way insufficient. Do you have guidance on a way to plug Backendless into a local Sqlite database ? I see this as the only practical way forward - if I manage to understand how to set it up.

That sounds reasonable and we will discuss it with the team, but I can’t promise you a solution for now.

Do you have guidance on a way to plug Backendless into a local Sqlite database ?

Unfortunately, we haven’t any guide or examples that fit your requirements.

Another argument for the usefulness of the proposal in another topic.
