404 page for error 6007

Could it be possible to add a custom 404 page when trying to open a file in a browser instead of just showing

{"code":6007,"message":"The specified resource was not found","errorData":{}}

I do not think there is a way to handle it on the server-side. We’re definitely going to improve it.


This is from June 2020 - is there no way for a 404 page to show when an invalid page is requested. How do other pages appear 500 (server error) unauthorized etc…?

Hi Mark,

We’re thinking we might want to build a simple application that gets people landing on a 404 page which detects the characters after rootdomain/ and then redirects the user to our main Backendless application with query params. So we would like people who go to “example.com/xyz” to go to our 404, the “xyz” is in a table where we can look up “?user-id=abc” and append this to our main domain link and redirect the user.

The end goal is to have unique public landing pages (profile pages for users of the main application).

But it seems this isn’t possible, there’s no easy way to land people on a 404 with a “pretty” (i.e. short) link? Any advice?


Tell me if I understand you correctly.

  1. User follows the link example.com/John
  2. Since the link is invalid, we are redirecting to example.com/?page=404
  3. But 404 should know about John
  4. So link example.com/John should redirect us to example.com/?page=404&invalidQuery="John"
  5. For the 404 page you add logic to handle invalidQuery

Something like this?
You have three topics with similar questions
First, Second, this
Can you combine questions into one topic? Like this one.


Yes, exactly, you understand correctly :grinning: how do I “combine questions into one topic”?