These 500 Server errors randomly happening are getting frustrating. I changed no code and all geo point searches worked 100 times before but suddenly I’m getting a 500 error.
Here is the url that has worked time and time again…
These 500 Server errors randomly happening are getting frustrating. I changed no code and all geo point searches worked 100 times before but suddenly I’m getting a 500 error.
Here is the url that has worked time and time again…
Hi Mike,
Please let us know your APP ID and REST Key.
App ID -
Rest -
Could you please describe what the metadata for this geopoint looks like:
latitude: 27.2420429
longitude: -80.38813329999999
The metadata consists of a relation to a User (in the Users table) and a relation to another item on another table 1to1 relationships. The only thing I can think of is that I’m using too many relations between the tables maybe?
We’re seeing a recursive dependency somewhere. Perhaps user references the same geopoint. Or that other items references an object which in turn references the geopoint. Any chance you could provide more details. You’re welcome to email to to keep it off the support site if you’d like.
Hi Mike.
This issue fixed. Could you try it?
For me it’s still not working.