500 server error when following the PHP quickstart for standalone client

Created the directory structure as instructed, can access the index.php normally. But when I add the code below, I get the server error and no user is created in the database.


namespace test;

use backendless\Backendless;
use backendless\model\BackendlessUser;
include "vendor/backendless/autoload.php";
Backendless::initApp('CB28D744-B6F5-442D-FFFF-22E05C87A700', '7BAE23F7-96FF-0AF7-FF3D-CD87271E7100', 'v1');

$user = new BackendlessUser();
$user->setEmail( "somemail@backendless.com" );
$user->setPassword( "password" );
$registered_user = Backendless::$UserService->register( $user );


Can someone help me figure this out, I’ve been at this the whole day. Thanks!

Hello, Teo!

I’ve opened internal task for investigation. We shall notify you about results asap.
Thank you for reporting!

Can you tell what line throws this exception and do you face similar problems on Backendless online?

It doesn’t say exactly which line, all I get is the default chrome 500 error. How do I go from standalone to online, just change the app ID and REST keys?

EDIT: I’m new to this, don’ laugh :slight_smile:

OK, got it working, just had to change the keys. Silly me, you can mark this as resolved.

Thanks again!

Ok, that’s good.