A stupid question regarding API calls

Hello Backendless team,

Have a quick (perhaps stupid) question;

Does invoking a very simple deployed service count as 2 API calls?

I have all logging off (read the [API Optimization Best Practices article), but whenever I invoke this cloud service (screenshot attached), I seem to be making 2 API calls??

Tried also without returning the result.

What am I missing please?!

Screenshot 2023-12-31 at 02.20.19

… I think the penny just dropped;

1 API call - calling the deployed service
1 API call - finding the object

Is this correct?


Hi @Alex_C ,

Yes, your suggestion is correct - 1 API call for calling deployed service and 1 API call for finding object in the table.

To generalize every call to deployed service will be counted as “API Call”, plus every call to Backendless API from deployed service will be also counted as “API Call”.

Regards, Andriy