About the FlowRunner category

FlowRunner Category
Your dedicated space for discussing FlowRunner, the AI-driven automation platform. Ask questions, share feedback, and explore how FlowRunner can streamline your workflows.

Why Use This Category?
This category is for everything related to FlowRunner - its features, sample flows, troubleshooting, and best practices. Whether you’re a beginner exploring automation or an experienced user optimizing workflows, this space is tailored for you.

How Is This Category Different?
Unlike other categories, this one focuses exclusively on FlowRunner’s capabilities, including its integration with Backendless features like databases, file storage, and messaging, as well as its AI-driven functionality.

What Should Topics in This Category Include?

  • Questions about creating and running flows
  • Troubleshooting issues with FlowRunner features
  • Discussions about sample flows
  • Suggestions for new features or improvements
  • Tips, tricks, and best practices

Is This Category Necessary?
FlowRunner is a significant addition to Backendless, deserving its own dedicated space. It ensures clarity and focus, making it easier for users to find and contribute to relevant discussions.

Welcome to the FlowRunner community - let’s collaborate to create smarter automation!