Access Denied, IE Compatibility Mode issues

Hi Everyone
Please help i’m pulling my hair out. Can anyone confirm if the Backendless Javascript SDK or Rest API support requests using Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode (IE7)? When using the Javascript SDK I get Access Denied scripting errors within the backlendless library when simply just trying to retrieve a list of objects. I then try using the Rest service and get null as a response. As soon as I switch to non compatibility mode or use Chrome etc everything is perfect.
Unfortunately many of our customers have to use Compatibility mode due to some of our legacy applications running in this mode but we would to provide some additional services around the outside using Backendless.
Really would appreciate any input.
Thank you

Just to add a little more more detail. Essentially IE is reporting a 401 unauthorized when running in compatibility mode. Would I need to set any particular security when trying to retrieve objects in compatibility mode?

HI Steven,

I’ll investigate this issue and let you know about my results.


Great thank you Ilya. I’m using version 3.0.11 of the backendless sdk because the latest version throws a variety of errors. Would really appreciate your help on this as I’ve explored all areas.

I’ve made sure domain control is set to *.

Hi IIya.

Just checking in to see if you have taken a look at this problem? Really keen to proceed with Backendless but I guess this is somewhat holding us up.

Thank you again.


Hi Steven,

I have created the ticket in our task manager (BONELESS-12663) and I shall help you as soon as possible.


Hi Steven,

You have a javascript application hosted on some domain (lets name it
Javascript application uses a Backendless SDK which is making an ajax requests to domain.
This is called a cross origin request (a request to a domain another from the one where html was loaded from)
In old browsers like IE9 and older, a cross origin javascript requests are not allowed.

A server side proxy for Backendless API, however, could allow you to solve this issue. With a proxy you can let the server forward requests to the other domains, and to the browser it looks like it is calling the same server.

This means you could have a mapping of request like below which works in all browsers. =>


Hi IIya.

Is this a limitation within the Backendless SDK because like for like using the Parse SDK, which i’m migrating from, works without a problem.

Many thanks


Hi Steven,

I’ve worked on this problem more time since you had made the last comment and I should admit that I was wrong. There is another way to solve this problem. But for this the following conditions must be fulfilled:

  1. Your server should provide app by https protocol
  2. CORS requests should be enabled in the client browser (SO tip)
  3. You should use the last version of JS SDK (it is 3.1.10 now)

I hope it will be useful for you.
