Access Restrictions for UI Builder Preview Environment?

Hi, I work for a system integrator in Japan and am considering using Backendless for contract development projects.

Is it possible to apply Basic authentication to the URL of the UI builder’s web preview environment (/api/files/ui-builder/containers/default/)?

Since the preview environment includes unpublished information, I think some kind of secondary access restriction (separate from in-app authentication) is necessary.
For example:

  • HTTP Basic Authentication
  • IP address restrictions
  • Authentication with Backendless developer account

Best Regards,

Hi @Kazu_Uramoto,

Welcome to Backendless and thank you for reaching out with your question.
Currently, it is not possible to apply Basic authentication or other access restrictions to the URL of the UI Builder’s web preview environment. However, we understand the importance of this feature, especially for protecting unpublished information.

We have created an internal ticket to discuss the changes needed to make this possible. Our team will explore potential solutions.

We appreciate your feedback and will keep you updated on our progress.

Best Regards,

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Hi, @stanislaw.grin,

Thank you very much for your understanding and consideration.

Best Regards,