AccessControlException in CBL

Hi, I have some weird issue, when I connect to external host in my business logic service(production release) got next message:

 "message": "Type:\"\", Description:\"access denied (\"\" \"\" \"connect,resolve\")\"\nExceptionClass:\"ServiceException\" {Msg:\"none\", Cause:\"none\"}"

Host have been approved. This issue repeating sometimes, for example one time it’s works, on the next ones - exception. On debug mode all work perfect. Could you give me some advice for fix this issue?

Hi Oleh!

Please provide your application id.

Should I post it here or maybe send on your support email?

Please send to

Kate, I sent it

Oleh, are you accessing the host by its name or the IP address in the code?

Mark, by its name]

Hello, sorry for the trouble. There are any ideas to fix this issue?

Hi Oleg!

This issue assigned to development team. Internal task id is BKNDLSS-12319.


We made several changes. Could you try to reconnect to this external host again?

Hello Kate, I tested this and right now it’s working well! Thanks